Industrial Networks

Connect your industrial network to Daylight Led Displays

Adaptive's PLC Gateway interfaces mean that you can display real-time messages for your employees by connecting your industrial network to Daylight Led Displays. Our Gateway enables all Daylight Led Displays to be connected to DeviceNet, Profibus, Modbus Plus, Data Highway plus or Modbus ASCII.

The PLC's ladder logic calls up messages that have been programmed in advance in the Led Display with our Gateway software. The Gateway reacts to bits that are stored in specific registers of the PLC so as to display or not display particular messages on the Led Display. The Gateway manages the messages on the Led Display. Messages may contain real-time production figures, alarms or actions that have to be performed. PLC variable data such as counters, speeds and production totals.

Industrial networks:

  • Modbus Ascii,
  • Modbus Plus
  • Profibus-DP,
  • Fip I/O,
  • DeviceNet
  • Interbus-S


  • Alpha Eprom : max 80 pre-programmable messages
  • Alpha Eprom : up to 90 dynamic variables can be set
  • Modbus Eprom : max 4000 pre-programmable messages
  • Modbus Eprom : up to 100 dynamic variables can be set

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Alpha-American Programmable Signs
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